Pietre della mia Terra: racconto esperienze vissute nella ricerca, nel volontariato, nella promozione sociale e negli eventi culturali, attraverso i colori e i lamenti della Terra dei Messapi. La mia Terra. Scontri e incontri in un territorio aspro e amato. Dure battaglie per sfuggire alla parte oscura di noi... percorrendo le bianche strade di polvere e pietre del nostro destino.

giovedì 20 ottobre 2016

The ‘mala bestia’: an Introduction to the Theme of Evil in Pirandello’s Work", «Pirandello Studies», 36, 2016, pp. 131-142.

* This article is based on the winning entry in the Society’s post-graduate essay competition, 2015.

The metaphor of the beast appears in all literary texts exploring the relationship between the active and the contemplative lives, but in particular the Pirandellian image of the ‘mala bestia’ [‘evil beast’] represents the frightful and humorous materialization of the presence of evil in his writing. In this article a focus on the figure of the ‘mala bestia’ will allow us to discover intertextual links between Pirandello's works and a number of books in his personal library as well as certain authors he reviewed.

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